We have settled into a good routine, mornings, home from work and bed time. I am not a morning person, but I have been waking up before the alarm, ready for him to suckle. I love waking him up by rubbing a ready nipple over his lips and I am happy to say he is always ready to comply. I think I am craving it more then he does. Summer is so busy, and we missed the afterwork time yesterday, I was home late and he had somewhere to be. I don't mind my mid-morning break, but I don't like having to do it when it is his turn...
I did order a manual pump. I wasn't going to and I am not planning on using it a ton, but he leaves for over nights and I think that I might like to have it then. It was recommended on ANRSpace and I got it cheap on E-Bay. I am curious to see if I get very much with it. I never did with my boys expressing at work. But expressing at work sucks. Or doesn't ? (ha, ha). I hated doing it, I hated dealing with it and I missed my baby. This is different, so maybe it will work better.
I had really expected the post activities to begin to decrease, and they have a little bit. It isn't the same, new and so stimulating, but I am still finding myself ready for him once or twice a day... So, all in all, about the same there, too. It is different somehow. Not new, but just how we are now. More like is has always been this way. Wonder if it will always?
Do you successfully play the hand you've been dealt?
12 years ago