Saturday, July 4, 2009

Ups and Downs

We went away to a cabin in the woods for a couple of nights this week. I was thinking it would lead to more couple time, not less! Bad timing and having my in-laws around didn't help. Hubby has a stuffy nose and is finding suckling hard for any length of time. So, I spent more time alone with the girls then I do usually when we are both working! Ha, ha, so much for plans.

So, I think that supply is a bit down this week, the girls don't feel as tight. Hubby doesn't like to dissappoint, so he says it isn't, but I don't believe him. Oh well! Next week we will be back on schedule and I am sure we will just progress from here.

We have found that the backyard is a good alternitive to a hot house...suckling under the stars and a bright moon is amazing. Glad the bugs aren't too bad right now. :)

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