Saturday, April 25, 2009

Feeling a bit stuck

Originally posted on ANRSpace

I was so excited that we had drops within the first week of suckling. I was surprised at our quick progress, but now that we are still there a week later, I am a little let down...ha ha.
I just get milky drops that are content to stay on my nipples, not wanting to run or grow. I know it is asking too much, but I was hoping for a bit more progress, a week later. Oh, well, I will learn to be patient.
On a lighter note, we are starting to settle into a lovely routine, one that we both enjoy. We are waking up early to not have to rush our suckling and we both even fell asleep during for the first time. It was heavenly to be woken up by him begining again. Lucky girl! Hopefully, I'll be able to report a bit more progress soon.

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